#feministfriday episode 407 | Mystic
Good morning everyone,
Let's look at some paintings together, in a rare Fem Fri devoted to only one woman - Hilma af Klint, mystic and modernist. Really one of my favourite combinations.
You can read her story here. She was made her money as a commercial artist while creating these incredible works:
In 1905, the Swedish female artist Hilma af Klint began cleansing herself, in preparation for a series of artworks that would be executed at the directives of someone named Amaliel. More than a century later, those paintings would force a rewriting of the history of abstraction. According to the notebooks the artist left behind, Amaliel was one of several guiding spirits who spoke to her from above (and within), instructing her and even leading her hand. During her lifetime, at the behest of the spirits, af Klint produced more than one thousand works, but they remained largely within the confines of her studio.
Hey and you can see her pictures in real life at a Tate show next year! If you are going to be in London.
Lots of love,