#feministfriday episode 34 | A Mixed Bag



Instead of doing an incredibly difficult and unpleasant task I am writing Feminist Friday HA I WIN.


I’m always sad when the first time I hear about someone great is via their obituary. Here is an obituary of Sabeen Mahmud, who did indeed sound like someone great:

If you were afraid, she’d say, you’d get nothing done: especially not in army-ridden, intolerant Pakistan, where so much was never to be questioned or discussed, and certainly not by women.



In a violent change of topic, I’m not over reading articles about weddings! This one is about the television show “Four Weddings” and has an interesting ROI analysis towards the end.

But mainly, the bride is supposed to care, whether it’s about organizing dinner for everyone or individually wrapping 200 tissue envelopes “for your tears of joy.”



Have a good Friday, mine is likely to be, as the subject line indicates, a mixed bag.

